Battenkill River Fishing Report on 13th Aug, 2023
Published Date: August 13, 2023
Summer Rain Setting Us Up For Epic Fall Season
Battenkill River
We've had the rainiest July on record, I'm sure you saw our little stste in the news this summer. While much of the state was hammered our little corner in the Battenkill Valley faired relatively well. Strong flows and cool water temps has the trout very healthy this year. While I traditionally don't book trout trips in late July and August due to low, warm water this year I have got out a little with friends and found the fish happy and healthy. This abundent summer rain is setting us up for an amazing fall. I'll be guiding the back half of September and all of October on southern vermont rivers. Book early if you want to get out and have some chasing browns and brookies all colored up in there spawning coolers and an occasional big fat hold over rainbow or two...
Gear & Tackle Used:
5 and 6 weight rods with floating and sinking line.
5 and 6 weight rods with floating and sinking line.
Light Fishing Pressure
Water clarity
Clear, 2-6 Feet
Scenic setting
Trees & Logs in Water
Light Fishing Pressure
Clear, 2-6 Feet
Trees & Logs in Water